Sunday, March 27, 2011

Back in Black

Glenn Beck: Prophet Of Doom

Before reading this become familiar with how imagery can be used.

Take aways:

"Progressives want to control every aspect of your life"

On an old TV "Social Justice" (hypnotic effect of 'the old days')

Notice the emphasis on 'year of my Lord Crist' for which there is no normal conversational usage...what was the purpose of that strange emphasis?

I am not a journalist I am a conservative and I'm much more of a Libertarian

Notice the explanation that Jon Stewart gives about 8 mins into the video....accepting an idea to such a point that you take on everything about that theory and live through it rather than experience life for yourself (OK, not an exact quote) any case, the pain from letting go of a whole ideology that you may have been clinging to for emotional support is what might have been meant by "Dissapointment is like bankruptcy. Bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectation"(probably not an exact quote either) by Eric Hoffer... then Jon Stewart demonstrates how you can take pieces of nothing and using your sculpters knife(of logic gone awry) create sense out of nonsense...and scare the crap out of people. That's why you gotta learn to think for yourself (and learn continuously, don't read a couple of books and think you've figured out all of existence).

Progressivisism is the disease (i.e. by saying something is the source of all problems you demonize you understand the implications of this?)

Then Beck said a bunch of confusing shit

Then around 3 mins into the video you discover that Glenn Beck doesn't know what a public good is! (see 5th link under Econ 101 titled What are public goods?)

Striving to keep the fear alive...

About 2 mins into the show...could there be an underground war between comedians going on?

Take aways:

To imply that honor needs to be restored means honor has been lost

A child will grow up to be "George Washington"...implying that things are so bad that americans needs a revolution on par that they had with England for its Independance (i.e. violent?)

About 2 mins into the video..."first of all no, second of all yes"...remembering the introduction...could the great Glen Beck be trying to step into the shoes of Martin Luther King?...and Gandhi?...and Jesus?

The truth must be told... 2+2 = 4

Glenn provides a '100 year plan for America'...with action steps!

Is god speaking through Glenn Beck?

...What the fuck is that?

Are you ready?

Entering the Twilight Zone...

Here is a video about the book that provides an economic foundation to some of Glenn Beck's theories...

Scary story! I think stuff like 'Lord of the Rings' is more fun because you know it's fictional while this sounds like it may be written by someone who is up-to-date with modern economics and not just telling you an amazing story with illustrations and dramatic music.

How about reading the 15 links to the top right of this blog under the title of "Econ 101" to help put the dramatic music in perspective?

Then consider the fact that you choose your trance state (i.e. perspective) and that if your mind is blown, how do you determine what is true or not? Especially since we rarely have the time to check on everything said by an opinion show host.

Anyways, notice any similarities from the above video to the one below?

Finally, read through the last two articles under Econ 101 titled "How do banks and loans work"? and "How the 'multiplier effect' works in all economies" then watch this video(about Beck's views on gold deposits and fiat money) anyone seeing the same crazy shit I am?

[Correction - August 18 2011: The book "Road to Serfdom by F.A. Hayek" is actually a book of political philosophy that is a reaction and explanation to the two big world wars and the factors that led to the Nazi Party of that time. Glenn Beck uses it in an inverse way to project it onto his target enemy/enemies [which is a GOP goal (i.e. Koch Brothers etc.). My economics textbooks were from the 90's when Hayek's ideas had already been implemented (i.e. privitisation) to a great degreee in many relevant areas and we were the kids studying the history of those developments. Many conservative economists today are literally old enough to still be caught up in the debate from the 1930's (Keynes vs. Hayek). Although there seems to be a strategy of confusing people by blurring modern economics (literally moving it backwards, like many other things are - see my blogs). - One of the main distinctions is the division between Macro and Micro economics which have been confused for competeing economic theories, when in fact they are two different perspectives of the same phenomenon for better understanding of ecnomic functioning (overview vs. detailed). They may have been competing theories in the 1930's but that was long before our time. Economics is a modern science and is evolving with it. Lets leave the debates of the 1930's to 1960's where they are, i.e. in the past and move to what economic history has taught us about which theory worked, in what way it worked and how it applies to our time and economic environment. Full analysis of economics (including Keynes and Hayek will be covered in my economics blog.]

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Have you ever wondered...

what the phrase 'being a prophet of doom' means?


In politics one way of placing yourself in a higher position is to play with images. For example; going into the 'bosses' or principals office there is generally a big desk signifying authority. Being behind that desk can be intimidating or at the very least have an authoritative presence.

Another example if of the effect of a stage on an audience... by setting up a stage above a crowd for a concert you create an impression of being 'larger then life', for the band (add some lights and some flames for greater effect :))

Notice the variety of images in the following video...

In hypnosis this is called a...actually I forget what its called but basically in storytelling you can use quotes to say stuff to a person that you wouldn't say in real life(kinda like a putting words of wisdom into a childs story of a puppy).

Notice what he does: He faces away from the camera and says what he thinks the president should have said then he switches to another camera and speaks as if he were the president. Quite funny and possibly harmless.

This blog will study the variety of theories from the variety of informational sources of Glenn Beck.