Page 1 - Unions part 1

All pages in this section contain videos for analysis of the Republican platform (which has veered away from true Republican values), Dick Cheney, Glenn Beck and Karl Rove.

Introductory Video 1 - Moment of Zen - Ronald Reagan supports unions and collective bargaining in a speech from the 80s. (00:09)

Introductory Video 2 - Moment of Zen - Public Employee Union vs. Wall Street Bonus Contracts: According to Fox News, public employee union contracts bankrupt states, but the government cannot interfere with Wall Street bonus

Video Clip 1 - Daily Show: Gov Hurts
The relationship between Republican governors and their states goes from cool new boyfriend to psychotic stepdad.

Notice the elimination of social structure and jobs

By decreasing the social services available to lower incomes you have a break down of society at the social level of the lower to middle income class. This causes a great deal of stress on the economy and family structure of a country.

Video Clip 2 - Daily Show: I Give Up - Pay Anything...
As greedy public workers bankrupt states, America makes it harder for honest corporate citizens to create jobs.

'Down with unions'? Teachers, Firemen and the Police all have unions!

Video Clip 3 - Michael Moore
Michael Moore says labor unions are on the ropes because wealthy people have done everything they can to destroy them. (07:17)

In this interview there is alot of information.